Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all had a great thanksgiving! I'm so excited for the holidays though! Make sure you check out the video #LIGHTtheWORLD and do the 25 ways of service in 25 days! It's going to be super awesome and I love the video that goes with it. There's also a video for each day in December up to the 25th, so watch for those too! Share the video with your friends, cause it's super great :)

Man. My week! Not really much to account for. Sister Lemmon has been feeling sick lately so we've stayed inside a lot. But he times we were out, we saw miracles! Thanksgiving day was awesome. So Thursday is planning day, so we usually spend most of the day inside planning the next week. So we still did that, but then went to dinner. Well, dinner #1 :)

#1 The K's: the K's are an older couple in the Eldorado Highlands Ward, the family Ward, but Sister K is Samoan and her family came over for thanksgiving as well. So it was an awesome 
Samoan feast! I was STUFFED by the end because I just kept eating the delicious food. So this dinner was at 2:30, so we still had a whole day ahead of us. And our mission president instructed us to proselyte the whole day, so we needed to find something to do, but we really didn't want to go tracting. So, we said a prayer to know where we needed to be. We ended up going to another member's house. 

#2 The T's: this is a family, also in the Eldorado Highlands Ward, but Brother T is the Samoan and Sister T. is not. So not really any Samoan food except for dessert, but they still made us eat, even though we just went in to share a message and clean their dishes for them :) well when we got in, they were just about to start, so that's how we crashed their thanksgiving :) But it was super great, and at the end the whole family gathered around and we shared a video and message about gratitude and then they sang a family Christmas song to us :)

After we left and felt so good and loved from the T's, we went back to not knowing what to do. I expressed frustratingly "I don't know what to do!!!" And then the phone rang :) it was a Samoan family, this time from the Tropical Breeze Samoan Ward, and they wanted us to eat their leftovers 

#3 The A's: So I felt guilty just going to another member's house, but we took this phone call as an answer to our prayers, and drove over there. I could barely eat any more food, but it was still so good. At the end, we shared a scripture about gratitude and gave a little lesson. Well after we left, the Son, return missionary, walked us out to our car and talked to us about our spiritual thought. Little did we know, we had just taught a lesson to a potential investigator with a member present! His Sister's Fiancé was there who is not a member, and is thinking about taking missionary lessons soon. Since we can only work off of referrals in he Samoan Ward, we took this as great news and we can't wait to start teaching him! 

So even though we were in members houses all day and just ate so much food that I seriously couldn't swallow any more, I know that we were where God wanted us to be, and God led us to places where he knew we would help and share a good spirit, even though we weren't knocking on doors :)

D&C 78:19
"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more."
"Gratitude is an uplifting, exalting attitude. You can probably say from experience that you are happier when you have gratitude in your heart. You cannot be bitter, resentful, or mean-spirited when you are grateful." (True to the Faith: "Gratitude") 
Alma 34:38
"That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you."
So I hope y'all had a great thanksgiving! But remember that it's. It just one day we need to be grateful. If we live in thanksgiving daily, you will see your attitude be brighter towards everything and everyone, and that you will be given many more hints to be grateful for :) 
I am thankful for every one of you! I appreciate the time you give to read my emails and check up on me, I am so very grateful for your prayers in my behalf, and I am grateful that I have you in my life to do things like tell you about my life as a missionary here in Las Vegas :)

I love you all! 

Sister Brown :)