Hello all!!
This week was so great! So Elder Cornish of the 70 gave an amazing talk in General Conference a couple weeks ago and he used to be (or still is, I don't really know) the 70 over where I lived in Georgia!
He like spoke at my trek and in my stake and Ward and everything and he's pretty much the best ever. And he came to the mission! He spoke to us missionaries on Thursday and it was wonderful. At lunch, the sisters of my zone sat and talked with him on a personal level and asked him questions and we learned a lot just from that little thing! He is really amazing and a man called of God and I feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to receive personal counsel from him :)
So there's not really much to say about this week, so I'll tell a story that Elder Cornish told and it has changed my perspective of my trials:
So once upon a time there was this Widow and her son who lived in a cottage on a hill with one cow. When it was a year of good rain, the cow ate well and gave good milk and they had a successful year selling the milk. When it didn't rain too good, the cow didn't eat very well because nothing grew, therefore it didn't give good milk and they had a horrible year because they didn't make any money with the milk. So they were really struggling, because their profits were dependent on the rainfall of the year. One day, a wise man came into town and the son went to town to get advise from him. The wise man felt like he could help them, so he followed the son back to the cottage on the hill. Looking at the cottage, he said "I see your problem" and then he went to the cow and grabbed him by the horns and led him away. The son followed and watched to see what he would do. He took the cow all the way to the end of the land to the edge of a cliff. He then led the cow to the very edge, and then pushed him off. The son looked down at the very dead cow way down there, speechless. (The son, not the cow. Well, the cow too, because he was dead 😊) The wise man looked at the
wide-mouthed son and then said, "You're welcome. I'll come back in 10 years to see how you're doing."
So sure enough, the Wise man came back 10 years later and the town had flourished dramatically. There was a beautiful courtyard with a huge, beautiful house in the middle of town. He went to the nearest villager and asked who lived in the big house in the center of town. The villager said that it was a Widow and her son that used to live in a cottage on the hill. The wise man simply said, "I thought so" and left.
At this point, Elder Cornish asked all us missionaries what happened? He killed their only source of income! How did it help? Elder Cornish then closed his story with explaining that sometimes you can be stuck
with what you are doing at the moment. Kill the cow and look for new possibilities and prosper to a new potential.
So that story has changed my perspective entirely! So when you are stuck in a trial and don't know what to do, check to see if you are stuck doing something that is to prohibiting you from progressing.
So, basically Elder Cornish is amazing and changed my life once again :) this week we met with The Cohen's again and taught the restoration lesson to Maceo! Sister LeDoux was feeling sick that night, so I went on splits with sister Savea and we had dinner with them and taught the lesson. It was pretty great! Maceo aid he was going to pray about it because it was a lot to take in, but hopefully he will recognize the spirit and know that God called Joseph Smith to be a prophetic these latter days.
Well that's about it for this week! I love you all and I hope you liked the story from Elder Cornish. Because I loved it. Thanks for writing me and reading my long emails. I'm trying to make them shorter
and less painful to read :)
Sister Brown :)
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