Vegas weather is beginning to be BEAUTIFUL. It's beginning to cool down and a wind is blowing and we aren't dying of heat any more. It's fantastic. I survived the summer! Crazy to think huh?
On Tuesday we had a Zone Training meeting that basically reiterated the fact that we need to be talking to everyone. Well, it's really a lot harder than you think. RM's always said that missions are hard. I always asked them what was so hard about its, and I never really got a definitive answer from anyone. Well, this is my reason why they're hard. Because as a member of the church, you have a desire to share the gospel with your friends and maybe eventually everyone, but you can stick with just sharing it with your friends every now and then.
As a missionary, you want to share the gospel with EVERYONE in sight because you have a love for all of them and want them all to have what you have. So you have a desire to share it with everyone, but it's really hard. I'm a talkative, relatively outgoing person, right? At least that's what I think. So when people told me I needed to go outside of my comfort zone for a mission, I didn't think it would be too much outside of my comfort zone. But man was I wrong. It's so hard for me to approach someone while they are doing something to tell them about the gospel. It doesn't seem like it would be hard, but man is it hard for me. When we talk about it, I'm like "yeah! Of course! Let's go and share it with everyone! No man left behind!" But then when we get to it I'm like, "uhhhh you're turn Sister Campos! You can do it! I'm gunna stand over here and watch, kay?" Or I just awkwardly try to start walking up and then second guess myself and walk away. It's. Hard.
But of course, later that day, we see two boys playing basket ball in the street. We pass them and maybe wave. But we have to go back that way, and Sister Campos gets out her scriptures because she's going to talk to them. As we approach, I sadly almost pass them and I have "uh I don't know her! I have nothing to do with her! I can't believe she's just approaching you like that!" Kind of look of my face. If that makes sense. But then they stop playing and start talking to her and I join in and we have a great conversation with these two boys! They
named off their Mormon friends from school and we asked them questions about if they knew what we believe in and one of them, his name is Daven, totally gave us his information and said we could come by and teach him about what we believe! Like, woah!! So, I'm good at the talking part, but not so good at the approaching part. Which is the part that's most important, because how are you going to talk to them if you don't approach them! But if Sister Campos didn't first talk to those boys and interrupt them playing basket ball, we wouldn't have found Daven. So, lesson learned. When they say talk with everyone, they mean, talk with everyone. What a concept!
This week we had a lesson with Tamir and Kade Cohen again and it was awesome! We've been inviting young men from the Ward to join us in the lessons and it's been super great. We talked about the plan of
salvation and they remembered a lot from what missionaries in the past have taught them, so we just sorta discussed it and then asked if they both have ever thought about baptism. They said yes, but they don't
think their dad would give them permission. But we asked if they thought setting a goal would be good and we can do everything we can to help them get permission and soften their dad's heart before that goal date. They thought it was a good idea and they both agreed on October 22nd! That was super exciting and I know that if they both truly believe that the 22nd is possible and if they have that desire, then it will happen. Then we told them the story of Macy and her battle to get permission from her dad and how she got baptized a
couple weeks ago. I'm so excited for them because they are both such wonderful boys and I can't wait to see what comes of their efforts!
Then that brings me to my birthday. It was great! The members in the area are fantastic and a family made me a cake and we had members feed us every meal which was great. We also had a couple lessons that day!
We went over and talked with Chuck and Tommie, Genet, and had a lesson with Melvin. I was blessed with a great day spending time serving the Lord and that's the best I could ask for. We were able to have lessons
scheduled and have fun while doing so, especially knowing that we were doing the Lord's work. So yeah. It was great :)
And Chuck came to church yesterday! While talking with members after sacrament meeting he was telling the, that he would be back and that someday he'd be one of them, meaning a member of the church. And that
was all in his own! So we are excited to see him this week and to see if he's up to coming to church again next week, even with all his health problems. He's a trooper :)
about. The members here are fantastic and the investigators that God has entrusted me with are all wonderful people and I am blessed to be
able to serve here with such amazing people. I love you all and thanks for all the love that you give me!
Sister Brown : )
Sis. Browns companion will be heading home next week. Happy sad! |
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