Monday, December 26, 2016

Hey y'all, Merry Christmas!!!!! I hope all y'all had a great holiday celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. I had a great week full of Christmas blessings! We had a Zone Conference this week and that was really fun because we got together with half the mission and receive some training, but then also play Jeopardy and test the knowledge that we have of the Scriptures, The White Handbook (rule book), Preach My Gospel (missionary manual and guide to teaching), and Adjusting to Missionary Life book. It was fun!
Well it's gotten a lot colder here than I ever thought it would. I actually use my coat and use the heater in the car! That really surprises me, especially since I lived through the really really super hot thought-I-was-going-to-die summer!

I went out with my STL Sister Nelson this week because everyone in my apartment was sick and I needed to get out, so that was super nice. Lots of people weren't home or didn't want to talk to us because of
the holiday, but it ended up being ok. Those who did let us in were very welcoming and were glad to see us!

But highlight of the week was of course when I got to talk to my family!! I face timed them yesterday and it was really great.

This is what we looked like for Sis. Brown!
Sis. Brown's favorite...LEGO'S!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Plan of Salvation Week

Merry Christmas everyone!!

This week has been so good! We had a lesson with Ella about The Plan of Salvation and she loved it! She then asked us if we could meet more an once a week! Uh, yes!!! So we went back later that week and taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is so wonderful! She... just doesn't go to church... Did I tell you about Ella? Sister Lemmon tracted into her before I came and the. She went missing, but she's back now and we've been teaching her and she wants to be baptized!!

The Percells accepted a baptism date!!! They will be out of town for the next couple of weeks, so they are getting baptized on January 28th. We taught them the Plan of salvation and it was so wonderful!!! They had a child pass away when she was a baby, and the spirit was so strong when we let them know that their family could be together forever. Domanika, the mother, said a kneeling prayer after the lesson and it was so powerful. I am so excited for them!!!

I gave a talk about the Plan of a Salvation in the Samoan Ward. It was great, because I finally got to get up there and say "Brothers and Sisters, Tolofa!" And I got a nice big reply back :) something that I loved about talking about it at church was to look back at experiences in my life with the Plan and share them. There was a time in the MTC where our teacher asked us what the Plan of salvation was, so we drew the diagram and everything that we learned in primary. But our MTC teacher kindly told us we were mistaken and that the diagram that we drew was NOT the plan of salvation. They explained to us something that I will never forget. The Plan of salvation isn't a travel plan. The plan of salvation is the atonement. Because of the atonement, we are saved. That was the plan. That we came to earth to learn, and have a way of returning as better people, because of Christ. I am so grateful for the atonement that makes me a better person!!

This week in my studies I read 1 Nephi 17:2. It's just a simple scripture talking about their travels in the wilderness, but I found something deeper. When you are focused on the blessing in life rather than the trials, you'll see miracles instead of just complaining.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! 

Sister Brown :)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Happiness is...Being Charitable

Hello All!

Transfers were today instead of next week, so that's fun. I think it's because of Christmas and stuff. Well, Sister Lemon and I are staying together! So that's super great :) but remember those sisters who moved in last week? Well one of them got transferred out (into my old area. Lucky duck) and sister LeDoux is here now! So now we live together, but I'm still companions with sister Lemmon. So that's fun. 

On Monday night, we were able to meet with the Percell family, the family we are teaching in the Samoan Ward. We shared the Christmas video with them and they all loved it! They came to the Ward Christmas party on Friday and Church on Sunday!! We've also heard from the Ward that the kids (10,8,&7) have been participating in weekly activities with the Ward! We are meeting with them again this week and are going to commit them to baptism. We are super excited for them!

On Tuesday we were able to get in touch with a potential investigator because she was in her garage at the time we came, and it has truly strengthened my testimony on the importance of planning and sticking to your plan. I know that God helped us come in contact with her :)

We've also finally met with Ella, a golden investigator that went MIA for about 6 weeks. We gave her the Book of Mormon lesson and she said that she wants to get baptized!! She doesn't want to set a date until she comes to church, but sadly she wasn't at church yesterday:/ But we know that she wants to and we are meeting with her again this week, so hopefully we'll find out how we can help her keep her commitments. 

Friday night we had the Christmas party for the Samoan Ward!! Man, do they know how to party! And eat! We some gooooood food, and soooooo much of it! I could hardly eat all of it. Well, I couldn't. But it was so great! It was so much fun, and it was just that much better because our investigators were there :) 

Okay, one more short cool experience :) we've been going through our area Book and trying to visit the less actives, or just people we don't know. We stopped by this one house, but realized that they were not the members who we were looking for. But they were happy to hear the Christmas message we said we had to share and we set an appointment to go back this week :) 

In my studies this week I have been studying Charity. I have memorized Moroni 7:45-47 and recite it in my head every time I feel angry or judgmental. Man it sure makes me be angry less often, because I don't want to have to recite it haha just kidding, but it still is really nice. It reminds me of who I am and who I am trying to be like and how I can do that. 

This week, spend one day being consciously aware of your attitude, and try not to be negative or gossipy or irritated. And if you get that way, think of 3 positive things of the thing you just got irritated or mad at. It will change your perspective on everything! And make life a lot more happy :) do that, and write me your experiencesM I would love to hear :)

Have a great week being happy!!

Sister Brown :)

I didn't try to turn the photo first.  Isn't it cute though?

Monday, December 5, 2016

Winter in Vegas

Hey y'all!

It's getting colder here in Vegas and I never thought I would need a jacket in Vegas, but I can't believe it's actually getting cold here. You never know!
Well this week in Vegas has been sort of chaotic. Sister Lemmon hasn't been feeling so well, and we finally think we've figured it out to be a kidney infection. But because if that, we haven't been able to goout that much. But I was able to go out with some other sisters at some points during the week, so I didn't have to stay in the whole week. That was nice. We've been shark the #LIGHTtheWORLD video withpractically everyone we see and it's so great! I think it's genius, because what better way is there to come closer to Christ this Christmas season than by doing the things at Jesus did! It's been sogood :)
Oh and we got roommates! So that's fun. Instead of being in an apartment with just me and sister Lemmon, two new sisters, sisters Fulton and Fitsimmons live with us, so that's exciting. Makes the place a little more alive :)
And I love the Book of Mormon!! I don't know if I've said this before, but I've been studying in 1 Nephi still and going through the prophesies he sees of the future generations. It proves to me that the Book of Mormon was never meant to be separate from the Bible, and it's just the plain and precious truths from the Bible that were lost! Man reading the Book of Mormon, it's just so true!! This gospel is so true and I love that I can be apart of it. I love that I am able to live it and be apart of it and share it. It's true sly the best thing ever!!

Aren't we so lucky hat he have this wonderful Christmas season to celebrate our Savior and Redeemer?! I loved watching the Christmas devotional last night and having the reminder that there wouldn't be a Christmas without an Easter. Because of what Jesus Christ did, because of how he lived, we have a reason to celebrate his birth. Isn't that so wonderful and so amazing?! So this Christmas season, try focusing on the reasons why you are grateful for Christmas. For the temporal things and the spiritual things. Right now, I am so grateful that myfamily gave me something to miss, especially at this Christmas time. I look around and see other's traditions, and am very grateful for what I was able to have and to grow up with. I am so grateful for this wonderful church and for the ability that I have to be out here sharing it. I am grateful for my savior and his atonement and how because of him, I have the chance to be forgiven of my mistakes and weaknesses and start over. What a wonderful opportunity that is :) I love you all! I hope y'all have a wonderful time this Christmas season, spending time with family and jamming out to that Christmas music :) don't miss me too much!

Sister Brown :)